Residents enjoy trip to Hollingworth Lake
Residents and colleagues of Shaw Side Care Home in Oldham recently took advantage of the late summer weather to take a trip to local Hollingworth Lake.
Residents were able to enjoy the visitor centre which has a permanent exhibition of local wildlife and heritage, a gallery of artists work, information desk, small shop, cafĂ© where they enjoyed lunch before taking advantage of the small beer garden to enjoy the great outdoors. 
To take them on their journey they booked local coach firm, Royton minibuses where one of their drivers knew Residents and were able to have a great conversation catching up on local community news.

Resident John Mullen commented:
“I really enjoyed that John Smiths it went down a treat!”
Joan Walton, Home Manager, said:

“The Residents really enjoyed themselves, and it was great to see. The Residents regularly get out and about. Here’s to many more trips to come.”