Residents enjoy sports week at The GablesResidents at HC-One’s The Gables care home recently enjoyed a week of sports within the home.

Activities included balloon tennis, bowling, football, hoopla and many more. Residents enjoyed taking part in each activity as the games were adapted for all to be involved in, whilst a hydration station was available which served water and ice lollies to keep everyone hydrated.

At the end of the week, Colleagues presented the ‘sporting hero’ trophy to Resident Brian who had joined in enthusiastically with all the sports available. Brian was also celebrating his 90th birthday during the week, so he enjoyed being given this trophy alongside a home made cake whilst everyone sang ‘happy birthday’.

Henry Mutambo, Home Manager, commented: “This week has been such fun for Residents and they have really enjoyed themselves. We plan to make this an annual event so all can be involved in the activities.”