Residents Enjoy Festive Trip To Marks and Spencer

Residents of the Millbrook Care Centre in Stalybridge enjoyed a festive trip out to Marks & Spencer’s for a little retail therapy and coffee with their loved ones.

Accompanied by members of their families and staff the Residents made their way to Marks & Spencer’s for an afternoon of retail therapy to purchase some last minute gifts for their families and loved ones before settling down to enjoy a relaxing coffee in the stores cafĂ©.

Resident Ida said: 
“It’s nice to get out, it’s cold but it’s been a lovely morning.” 

Abby Parker, Wellbeing Coordinator at the Millbrook Care Centre, commented:
“There was a moment when I looked over from the till at the other staff members, a Residents and their family  and everyone was smiling and chatting, these moments are precious, it doesn’t take much to give someone a better quality of life.” 

Resident Barbara said
“I really enjoyed it, it was a nice change.” 

Tea, cake and a comfortable chair can be hard to beat sometimes, yet a short shopping trip, fresh air, a visit or film night can raise spirits. We listen to what our Residents want and visitors outside of the home are made on request. 

Each home has access to a specially adapted minibus, allowing Residents to stay connected with local life, enjoying a trip to the seaside or the Christmas lights. Our minibuses have clocked up the mileage to have travelled around the world 68 times!