![Residents enjoy a Scarecrow Festival at West Yorkshire care home](/getattachment/a2cf4e8c-8323-4c4e-bcc0-8e4343ada56a/Residents enjoy a Scarecrow Festival at West Yorkshire care home.aspx)
Residents of the
Denby residential care home, on the edge of the Pennines, enjoyed making a scarecrow to take part in the Scarecrow Festival in the local village.
One of the Residents commented, “I have not done this since school.”
Everyone enjoyed participating in the making of the scarecrow and used paper mâché for the head, stuffing tights with paper to make the arms and legs and using acrylic paint for the banner.
Hannah Carrington, Care Home Manager, said, “The Residents really enjoyed making the scarecrow and being part of the community!”