Residents enjoy a bonfire buffet night at HighfieldResidents at HC-One’s Highfield Care Home in Yarm, Cleveland, enjoyed a bonfire night buffet organised by Wellbeing Co-ordinator Gill Murgatryod.

The kitchen pulled out all of the stops providing sandwiches, hot dogs, cakes and drinks of wine and shandy. 

The evening was advertised in the home for visitors and family members to join in and everyone was invited to play a game of bingo with the Residents, complete with prizes for the winners.

The Residents all really enjoyed the bonfire night, especially the bingo and the buffet food with a glass of wine or a shandy, commenting:

“I really enjoyed the bonfire buffet, especially the hot dogs!”

“I love it when we have a bingo night.”

Gerard Spencley, Husband of Sylvia, commented:

“It is lovely that the home invites visitors to participate in these activities, I really enjoyed the evening.”