Residents catch up with old friends at local church summer eventTwo Residents from HC-One’s The Beeches Care Home in Dunkinfield enjoyed a visit to their local church, The Holy Trinity, for the annual summer holiday event. Mary and Gladys have both been going to the Holy Trinity Church for most of their adult life and were both volunteers there.

The day began with a cup of tea and some biscuits on arrival, followed by an armchair aerobics session and finished with some readings and jokes from the volunteers.

Gladys and Mary both took part in all of the summer holiday themed activities throughout the day, including hook a duck, arts and crafts, hand massages, nail painting and a fish and chip lunch. They had a great time catching up with old friends at the church over the various activities. 

Gladys commented:

“It has been such a lovely day, the food was lovely and it was great to see all of our friends.”

Mary commented:

“I’ve really enjoyed today, it’s been great to see so many people and to chat to them all.” 

The Beeches Wellbeing Co-Ordinator, Sade Smith commented:

“It was so nice to take the ladies back to their church where they have such fond memories of helping others and socialising, especially Mary who hasn’t been back for a long time.”