Residents from all five of the houses within Hatton Lea took part in an Easter bonnet competition this week, battling it out for the winner’s crown.
The judges included Councillors Harry Curran and Jordan Linden as well as Ray Mitchell MBE, who kindly donated all of the Easter eggs for the fun-filled day.
Everyone who attended said that they had a great day decorating their bonnets and were thrilled to each receive an Easter egg.
Tea and biscuits were enjoyed before the judging took place and the results were, in 1st place with her bonnet was Anna Owens, in 2nd place was Robert Keir and in 3rd place was Tessa McDade.
The Residents commented on how wonderful and colourful the bonnets were and proudly wore their bonnets throughout the day.
June Sugden, Home Manager at Tenlands, commented:
“We had such a fantastic day. All of the Residents really got into the Easter spirit and enjoyed showing off their finished results. I’d like to say a big thank you to Ray Mitchell for bringing in the Easter eggs, it really made everyone’s day”