Residents at Whittlesey care home celebrate 62 years of marriageHC-One’s The Elms Care Home in Whittlesey, Peterborough has recently helped one of their Residents Elizabeth Denson and her husband Tony celebrate their 62nd wedding anniversary. 

Tony and Elizabeth met at work whilst they both worked on the Railway, Elizabeth as a trainee accountant and Tony as an accountant. It was during this time that Tony broke his leg and as a result had to be off work, so Elizabeth had to take over during his absence.

They went on to marry in September 1956 when they were both aged only 18 in their home town of Stilton, lived there together for 61 years, and raised their two children, Carolyn and Robert. 

Elizabeth worked as a secretary on her Fathers farm, which according to the family; she had done since the age of nine, whilst Tony continued to work for the railway. 

Once Tony retired, the couple celebrated by embarking on a once in a lifetime trip on the QE2, Concord and the Orient Express. They also sailed around the Greek Islands on the Ship Oriana, before visiting Italy and France. 

Elizabeth is an avid painter, both landscape and still life and was an active member of the WI and Mother’s Union. Tony enjoys bowling and horseracing and together they enjoyed the benefits of village and family life. 

Last year the family all celebrated Elizabeth and Tony’s 60th wedding anniversary, before recently discovering that they had actually been married for 62 years this year. 

When asked what their secret was to the longevity of their marriage, Elizabeth commented:

“Give each other some space and to have your own interests and hobbies.”