Residents at Summerhill take part in the Kendal torchlight processionThe Residents at Summerhill in Kendal which offers nursing, residential and memory care, for those living with dementia, took part in the preparations for the Kendal Torchlight Procession.

With the help of a video guide from Lana, the Residents created leaves from papier-machÄ— which will be displayed as part of the annual torchlight procession.

The Residents loved being part of it and creating a small part which would be then part of something much bigger.

One Resident commented, “I cannot believe torchlight is still going, I remember that as a child starting up” and “It’s been years since I did papier-machÄ—…what fun!”

Kathleen Dean, Care Home Manager remarked, “It was lovely to be the only care home involved and our

Residents and staff loved being able to make something which they can view once the procession begins.  This is just another example of the strong bond we have with the local community”.