Residents at residential and nursing care home, Elstree Court, have been reading and comparing recent books they have read.
For the past could months, Residents have been reading “The Story of the Trapp Family Singers” written by Maria Augusta Trapp. After this they then watched “The Sound of Music” and read Augusta Trapp’s autobiography.
Everybody thoroughly enjoyed the subject and wanted to compare and contrast the different gernes shown throughout. As a whole, Residents agreed that they enjoyed the book the best. The book went into great detail and description to set the scene. As the book was set during the war and described religious virtues, it generated a lot of reminiscing and prayer amongst the Residents.
Colleagues assisted the Residents in using Google to find some of the great buildings and map out the journey the family spent while their lives took place. The wellbeing team and other Residents also assisted with reading the story out loud for those whose vision was not what it once was, and many said they quite enjoyed having it read out to them.
One Residents said, “I’ve really enjoyed the story, the Sound of Music is one of my favourite films. Can we watch it again?” Another Resident said they hoped the next selection of film and book would be another classic.
Yolanda, the Home Manager went on to say, “I love this book and film, the Residents seem to enjoy having the book read to them by other Residents and Sue”.