Residents at HC-One’s Croft Avenue Care Home in Penrith, Cumbria, have welcomed three new fluffy chicks into the home.
Margaret Wilcox, Wellbeing Co-Ordinator at Croft Avenue, has kept her own chickens at home for years and wanted Residents to experience the excitement of seeing the eggs hatch.
Together with volunteer, Joan Thomas, Margaret brought seven chicken eggs into the home, where they were made at home in an incubator and turned at regular intervals.
On day 21, the first chicken, a lovely fluffy yellow chick, pecked its way out of its shell, followed a few hours later by a black Bare Neck Bantam Chicken. On day 22, a little black Appenzeller Bantam chicken pecked its way out of its shell to join the others.
The Residents loved watching the eggs hatch; it took ages for the chicks to get themselves out of their shells, so everyone enjoyed listened to them chirping away whilst hatching.
The Residents have absolutely loved the chicks, not only watching them being born but also holding them. Everyone has been so excited throughout this experience, prompting the home to consider repeating the activity.