Residents at Ayr care home enjoy pantomimeResidents, friends, family and team members at HC-One’s Claremont care home in Ayr were treated to a festive pantomime performance of The Snow Queen from Geez A Break Productions on Saturday 14th December.

Everyone gathered in the lounge to watch a performance of The Snow Queen, which is an original fairy tale written by Hans Christian Andersen. The story focusses on the struggles between good and evil experienced by main character, Gerda and her friend, Kai. 

A great time was had by all, one Resident, Jean Swan, commented that the show brought back happy memories of going to see pantomimes with her family in her younger days. 

Catherine Potts, Claremont Home Manager said: “Thank you to Geez A Break Productions for putting on a delightful show. 

“Everyone at Eastbank hopes to welcome you again for another show in 2020.”