Residents are hitting the right notes in Glenrothes care home choirHC-One’s Balfarg care home in Glenrothes, Fife is alive with the sound of music since the introduction of a new choir for Residents, friends, family and team members.

Eileen, the daughter of a Resident at Balfarg is a music teacher and has kindly volunteered to visit the home every Wednesday to help the home’s choir practice. The choir is formed by a group of Residents along with friends, family and members of the team at Balfarg.

The choir is hoping to host a small performance before Christmas but the main aim is just to provide a fun, social group for all to enjoy. One Resident commented that they really enjoyed the practice session and can’t wait to sing for people at the performance in December. 

Balfarg Home Manager, Sharon Watson said: “Music has a special way of bringing out the best in people, I would like to thank Eileen for leading our choir and helping bring so many people together.”