Resident helps prepare new sensory garden at Stirling care homeChristine Lang, Resident at Forth Bank, helped prepare the raised beds for a new sensory garden as part of a project with Community Compass in Stirling. 

Community Compass is a company that strives to combat social isolation by offering creative ways for older people to stay social, keep active and have fun. 

The overgrown plants were also replanted in larger areas of the homes garden to help promote its growth. 

Residents loved choosing the plants that are going to be planted in the new sensory garden and commented:

“We can’t wait to look after this garden once it’s ready and to spend lots of time in it.”

Forth Bank’s Home Manager, Yvonne Graham commented:

“This sensory garden will help to bring back a lot of memories and will become a great asset for our dementia unit with all of the colours and smells.”