Resident enjoys ‘around the world’ birthday bashWilliam Jones (Bill), a Resident at HC-One’s Summerville care home in Warrington celebrated his 82nd birthday with a special around the world themed birthday party.

Bill was joined by his daughter, son-in-law and fellow Residents on his birthday for a delicious fish and chip lunch in the lounge which was specially decorated with bunting, flags and decorations from different countries around the world. 

After lunch staff at Summerville performed a special tribute dance for Bill, which brought lots of smiles and laughter to the room. 

Bill’s Daughter, Miranda commented:

“Thank you to everyone at Summerville, it was such a fantastic day, we couldn’t have asked for more.”

It was a great birthday for Bill, even his fellow Residents enjoyed the day commenting that it was “good fun” and “absolutely lovely”.

Summerville Home Manager, Iqbal Sidhu said:

“It was an honour to be part of Bill’s special day with his family, I would like to thank all of the team for organising his wonderful birthday party.”