Resident at Willow Brook celebrates double Birthday
Michael Measham has been a Resident at Willow Brook care home for around 3 years now and he has a twin brother who still lives at home.
John Measham visits Michael on a regular basis and they love being in each others company.
On the 29th of August this year, the twins celebrated their 80th birthday and the home decided to throw them a surprise party.
Residents, friends and families enjoyed celebrating with Michael and John as they enjoyed a lovely buffet. The twins were over the moon and loved every minute and the Residents loved celebrating with them.
The home arranged for both gentlemen to recieve a gift and a card and had a special cake made by the home's chef.
Everyone had a wonderful time.
The brothers commented:
"I couldn't think of a better way to spend my birthday."
"Thank you so much for the surprise party it was perfect"