Resident at Tameside care home celebrates 90th birthdayResident Rhona celebrated her 90th birthday this weekend at HC One’s The Beeches care home.

Colleagues at the Tameside home helped put together a musical themed tea party, complete with songs from some of Rhona’s favourite musicals, Oklahoma being her favourite.

The staff wheeled out the new drinks trolley so Residents could enjoy a birthday tipple on Rhona’s special day.

There was a lovely big buffet put out filled with plenty of tasty food, and a lovely birthday cake provided by Rhona’s family.

Rhona had a great day, receiving lots of gifts and cards from family, she also had a video call from her family in New Zealand too!

Rhona said “I’ve had a lovely day celebrating with friends and staff singing. I had phone calls off both of my sons, Michael in New Zealand rang and it was 11pm at night there! Thank-you to you all.”

Wellbeing coordinator Sade commented “it was a pleasure to arrange Rhona’s 90th, it wasn’t the party I had planned but we had a lovely afternoon singing to all the musicals”.