Resident’s love of cleaning leads her to lend a handA Resident from HC-One’s Douglas View Care Home in Hamilton, Lanarkshire has found a way to keep busy during the day by doing something that she loves, cleaning. 

Resident Phoebe Jarden loves to clean and had missed being able to do so since she’d moved to Douglas View. 

Looking for something to keep her busy during the day, Phoebe was over the moon to become part of the Housekeeping team and work alongside Head Housekeeper Angela Callaghan and Domestic Rosaline Allan.

Both Angela and Rosaline are both thrilled to see Phoebe doing something that brings her so much joy. 

Phoebe commented:

“I enjoyed being busy and doing what I love, which is cleaning.

The girls made me feel very welcome and I can’t wait for tomorrow now!”

Douglas View’s Home Manager, Katy Jenks commented:

“It was lovely seeing Phoebe working alongside the Housekeeping staff.
She had a huge smile on her face all day; she’s proof that coming into a care home doesn’t mean that your life stops.”