Reminiscent museum trip for Himley Mill care home ResidentsResidents at HC-One’s Himley Mill care home enjoyed a recent visit to local Cosford Royal Air Force Museum with Colleagues.

Everyone enjoyed a walk around the museum as they admired

Some Residents were able to re-live their time in the RAF as they admired parts of the exhibitions, whilst telling stories of what life was like for them. It was lovely for Residents to be able to reminisce like this and recall memories of their younger days. Of course, no trip is complete without a picnic lunch, and Residents enjoyed this in the grounds of the museum before indulging in a refreshing ice cream.

Jonathan Richards, Home Manager, commented: “A lovely day was had by all, and Residents have enjoyed reminiscing as they walked through the museum. Trips like this are so good for Residents to recall fond memories they have of their earlier lives.”