Remembrance Day Lunch at Old Gates
HC-One’s Old Gates Care Home in Blackburn welcomed three members of Her Majestys Armed Forces, From the Duke of Lancasters Regiment, the Royal Logistics Corps and The Queens Own Yeomanry.
Lee, Helen and Daniel all spent time with the Activities Coordinators touring round the homes three units and taking time speaking to both Residents, staff and family members, reminiscing about times spent serving their country.
Some of the Residents enjoyed lunch with the soldiers in the link area and this was followed by entertainment from a local singer who sang songs of the war era.
The Home also erected a silhouette monument to the fallen soldiers of the time.
The Residents enjoyed telling their stories from when they were in the forces to enable these stories to live on for future generations.
Home Manager,Wendy Farmer commented:
"It was wonderful to see so many of our Residents being given the opportunity to chat and reminisce together."
Nicola Garner, Area Director attended the Home on the day and expressed her thanks to all staff for making the day a great success and such a fitting tribute to all servicemen.