Residents at a Rochdale care home are benefitting from a newly refurbished quiet lounge thanks to the handy work of a team at Bunnings Warehouse.
The transformation took place at HC-One’s Linden House our Dementia Nursing unit, based in the multi-site Carders Court, with the aim of providing a haven of space for Residents wanting to quiet space to rest, reflect and recuperate.
Shaun Morrissy, HC-One Care Home Manager at Carders Court, commented:
“The quiet lounge provides a retreat for our Residents to go and relax, read or meet up with visiting family members. We’re delighted with the work and we’d like to thank Bunnings Warehouse for their help.”
Paience Pondwa, the Unit Manager of Linden House, is delighted with the transformation and commented:
“This improved quiet lounge is already proving a benefit to Residents needing the tranquility and rest from the busy environment and is being well utilised by Residents and relatives wanting a quiet haven to meet and chat with their loved ones”.
Carders Court has also secured a Disability Funding Grant with Rochdale Borough Council to convert three bathrooms and fit three new wet rooms.
The added wet rooms will provide a welcome addition for Residents living with dementia and physical disabilities. The new wet rooms will allow easier access for residents and staff assisting them to shower in a much improved and homely wet room setting.
The works are currently in progress and due to be completed by our contractor by the end of the month.