On the 18th November, Residents and Colleagues are
Hartford Court care home in Cramlington, were raising money and awareness for Children in Need.
To raise awareness of Children in Need 2022, the Wellbeing Colleagues at the 68-bed residential and residential dementia care home arranged for Pudsey Bear to pay a visit to see the Residents.
Jackie Burt, Community Champion from Cramlington ASDA store, was only too happy to oblige and arrived to meet and greet our Residents, dressed as Pudsey Bear.
Pudsey was helping to push the tea trolly round and offer cups of tea and coffee to all of the Residents and Colleagues. They enjoyed their cup of tea and had a Pudsey themed cupcake made by the fantastic kitchen team.
Colleagues on duty also paid £1 for non-uniform, wearing Pudsey T-shirts or going ‘spectacular’ in line with this year’s Children in Need theme.
Raising awareness is such an important part of Children in Need and being able to share this and facilitate conversations around this is made easier when everyone is enjoying themselves. The Residents had a great day and were sad when Pudsey had to go home.
Eleanor, a Resident at the care home, said, “Well I never thought I would be offered a cup of team from Pudsey Bear.”
Kay Rudd, Care Home Manager, added, “It’s good to once again see the community links with the local ASDA being rebuilt, they have supported us in many events over the course of the last few years and we look forward to what’s coming next.”