Preston Care Home celebrates traditional Burns Night Residents and Colleagues of Meadow Bank care home in Preston, celebrated Burns night by toasting the Haggis with the Selkirk Grace as they held their traditional Burns afternoon on Friday.

The home served the classic sliced Haggis to Residents in addition to the afternoon cake. Some Residents really enjoyed the tasty haggis whilst others were much more unimpressed! 

In addition, tots of Scotch Whisky were served, and safe to say they went down well especially with the cold weather outside. It was a warming treat for all!

The home also welcomed a traditional Piper to Pipe in the Haggis which Residents really enjoyed. 
One Resident especially was thrilled that the bagpipes were visiting the home exclaiming to staff how much they were looking forward to it.  

Home Manager, Helen Holden commented:

“This was something really different – the feedback afterwards was great. The nicest thing was that the piper went around the Residents’ bedrooms and played to those who aren’t able to get up and join in. It’s lovely we can include these events and offer the Kindest Care to our Residents.”