Peter Pan pantomime is a big hit for Residents at Sheraton CourtResidents at Sheraton Court care home in Hartlepool were delighted to watch Peter Pan the pantomime, thanks to a kind gesture from Hartlepool United Community Sports Foundation.

The Foundation provided the home with 11 tickets for the show, meaning that nine Residents and two employees from Sheraton Court got to enjoy the experience.

Residents were overjoyed to discover they had a prime position to watch the pantomime, as they were seated in two of the boxes.

To finish off the show was the popular children’s song, Baby Shark, which Residents enjoyed watching the school children attending the show sing and dance along to.

Natasha Mason, Home Manager at Sheraton Court, said: “Everyone really enjoyed this fun day out together thanks to the team at the Foundation. What better way to celebrate in the run-up to Christmas than a pantomime.”

One Resident commented: “I had a brilliant day singing and dancing to all the songs.”