Penrith care home Residents visit Houghton HallFour Residents from HC-One’s Winters Park care home in Penrith headed out for the day to Houghton Hall Garden Centre.

Residents from Winters Park enjoy weekly day trips, on their last trip, the group headed to Houghton Hall Garden Centre for a little retail therapy, everyone spent the morning browsing the shop, one Resident, Margaret, was particularly interested in the hot tub and said that she thinks it would be a great addition to Winters Park.

The group stopped in the café to enjoy a slice of cake and a cup of coffee as they talked about the different items they had seen in the shop. Residents commented that the cakes were very delicious.

Winters Park Home Manager, Susan Thompson commented: “It’s lovely to see the smiles on Residents faces when they return from a fun day out, I am looking forward to hearing all about their next trip.”