Outstanding care award for Hillside View’s Caledonian Korsakoff UnitThe Scottish Care Home Awards 2021 have been shortlisting a range of different homes for their upcoming ceremony, which has been postponed until the 1st of April 2022. HC-One’s Hillside View have had their Caledonian Korsakoff unit nominated for a Specialist Service/Unit of the Year Award. 

Over the past year, Clinical Leads Gareth and Jennifer have worked with the team to change their approach to care, focusing on achieving goals and outcomes that improve the quality of life for all the Residents who live at Hillside. By changing this approach and adapting to a new model, it has enabled Residents to be more independent with their daily life by carrying out tasks such as washing, making simple meals, and being involved with the local community, all whilst being promoted and supported by the carers in the unit. This type of new lifestyle has allowed for one Resident to follow her dream of achieving a qualification and she is only weeks away from graduating from the local college as a qualified barber. 

Speaking to Katy, the Home Manager she commented “This is a wonderful recognition of the hard work and dedication all staff have put into developing the unit, especially following the last year with the pandemic. I am very proud of the dedication the team has shown to improving the outcomes and quality of life for Residents”. 

It’s through this specialist care and their passion in making a difference which has improved the lives of all the Residents living in the Unit, which has earned their nomination for the award. Good luck to Hillside Views Caledonian Korsakoff Unit!