Opera performance at Bexhill care home HC-One’s Grosvenor Park care home was alive with the sound of music, as they received a visit from opera singer Thomasin Trezise recently.

Thomasin performed songs from Carmen and Fidelio, as well as some well-loved classics, whilst Residents watched on in amazement. Before each song, she set the scene by providing a back story so Residents could understand more about the music.

Alongside Thomasin and her wonderful voice, was her musical partner who played the accordion whilst she sang. Together they performed some Neapolitan classics and Residents enjoyed singing along to the music.

Afterwards, everyone enjoyed a well-earned warm drink and a slice of cake as they chatted about the performance.

Jackie O’Callaghan, Home Manager, commented: “Residents were so impressed with Thomasin’s beautiful voice, and it was an honour to have her in the home again. We look forward to her next visit.”