The UK’s oldest living person, 112-year-old Grace Jones, has revealed that her secret to a long and healthy life is enjoying a drink of her favourite tipple every night.
Grace has revealed her unusual secret ahead of World Health Day 2019, as she claims that enjoying a drink of whiskey and water each night for the past 60 years has helped her reach the grand age of 112.
Born in Liverpool on 16 September 1906, Grace Jones has lived through two world wars, the reign of five monarchs and all three London Olympics.
Grace, who resides at HC-One’s Brompton House care home in Broadway, Worcestershire, is known amongst Colleagues and fellow Relatives at the home as a lovely, cheerful and wise lady.
In addition to the whisky, Grace also claims that her love of music and baking old-fashioned cakes has helped her live a long, happy life.
Since moving to Brompton House, Grace has even picked up a new hobby of carpet bowls and recently came second place in the game during a competition at the care home.
Paulina Lebida, Activities Coordinator at Brompton House, said: “Grace is a lovely lady and has such a fantastic outlook on life, she is the most positive person I have ever met.
“Grace is eager to get involved in new activities at Brompton House, proving that age really is just a number. She is truly inspirational.”