November news from Heaton Moor care homeAt residential and nursing care home, Newlands, November has been the start of festivities including Christmas, Diwali, Hanukkah and Remembrance. But plenty of other activities have been occurring too including bingo and a ladies club.

To celebrate Diwali and Hanukkah this year, Colleagues set up a display in the outer foyer and invited neighbours/visitors to come along and receive a gift with love from Newlands for Diwali. 

The home was decorated for the events and Residents loved seeing the decorations up and hearing the meaning behind it.

Wellbeing Coordinator Rachel said, “We are aiming to get our community engaged with us as much as possible.”

17th November was the home’s first Ladies club, and it was a huge hit. Residents arranged flowers, listened to music and had a tipple.

Residents, including Thirza, Ann, Edna, Gladys, Jean, Mo, Marg, Vera, Val, Pauline and Margaret, also chatted about families, jobs and placed they had visited.

The next meeting will involve pictures of family and holidays so everyone can share.

One Resident remarked, “So enjoyable being able to chat with others and such a relaxed afternoon.”

For Remembrance Sunday, Rachel took Resident Ted to the cenotaph at the local church, St Paul's, the remember and give thanks to all who have been lost.

Ted is a very proud ex-serviceman from the Lancaster Fusiliers and wore his and his father's medals with pride.

Rachel said “Our Ted was very honoured and proud to have so many come over to him and thank him. We even had two firemen push him back home as a small gesture of thanks. It made his day.”

Following on and more from activities, bingo is so popular at Newlands, that they have made it a regular Tuesday afternoon session.

Rachel joked, “Trouble is we spend just as much time laughing and joking as playing the game. We would get kicked out of a bingo hall that’s for sure!”

Mo, Marg, Val, Vera, Ted, Thirza, Edna, Gladys and Ann, all join in with the sessions and love winning!

To start the Christmas season, on 24th November, the decorations were put up and Residents came out of their rooms to see such a beautiful sea of festiveness! Everyone’s faces lit up and all are excited for the Christmas season.

There will be an option for Christmas craft making next, so watch this space.