Nottingham care home stay connected with WhatsappResidents at HC One’s Silverwood care home have been staying in touch with their families this week by using Whatsapp.

Most of the Residents at the Nottingham care home have really taken to ‘whatsapping’ with the help of the Colleagues at the home.

There is a booking system to make sure that everybody gets a slot to talk to their loved ones. It really helps Residents by having these chats, it helps to reduce anxiety and enhances their wellbeing.

Relatives have commented on how they feel reassured that their loved ones are happy and safe, and love having this communication.

Relatives have said even after the pandemic is over they would love to continue on the Whatsapp slots as a way of communicating.

The device which the Residents use is quite light and easy to manoeuvre too.

One of the Residents commented “I enjoyed that, it was good to talk to them, it really was, thank-you”.