Ashington Grange Resident enjoys a spot of gardening!One of the Residents at Ashington Grange care home, in Northumberland, which offers residential, nursing, residential memory and nursing memory care, has enjoyed pottering in the home’s garden. 

Kath, who is a Resident at the home, has become one of the family at Ashington Grange and was missing her garden at home. She asked if she could do up the home’s garden which everyone was very grateful of the gesture.

Kath asked for some paint to start on the furniture and fences, which she got to work at straight away, she also likes to de-weed and make sure all of the vegetables are growing. She also asked her family to bring some personal items from her own garden for the garden at Ashington Grange, so had some of her own home comforts around her.

The Residents quoted, “Kath has brightened up our garden, so we can all sit outside with all these lovely colours to enjoy”.

Andrea Pringle, Care Home Manager said, “Kath has made an excellent job at making our garden look brand new and has said she has some future plans for us, so we're all excited to see what she has planned next”!