New dos for Residents at Gittisham Hill HouseThe team of multi-skilled Colleagues at Gittisham Hill House have been sharing their expertise and giving the Residents a much sought-after haircut. 

One of the carers, Kayleigh Reed, is also a hairdresser and kindly offered to cut and style some of the Residents’ hair which they were over the moon about. It has been so long since, many have been able to go for their weekly or monthly trim, due to the mobile hairdresser unable to visit the care home following social distancing measures. One of our Wellbeing Coordinators, Jill Watts, also styled some of the Residents’ hair, so it was new dos for all!

There was a virtual queue of both ladies and gents enthusiastically waiting their turn and they were so pleased to have a good trim or style, it made them all feel that little bit better.

Gittisham Hill House Resident, Molly Groom said, "Oh my hair feels so much better after having it tonged!"

Another Resident, Jean Meecham added, “Everyone looks so smart with their new haircuts."

Wellbeing Coordinator, Marie Bourne added, “It looks like we have all new residents with their smart new hairdos!”