Needham Court wears yellow for Dignity Action DayResidents at Needham Court care home in Jarrow joined family and friends to celebrate Dignity Day as everyone at the home wore yellow for the occasion.

Dignity Action Day is an annual opportunity for those involved in the care sector to reflect on the importance of people’s rights to dignity and provide a memorable day for Residents in their care.

In addition to the yellow attire, which resembled sunshine and happiness in the home, Residents enjoyed yellow-themed cakes and biscuits, which were homemade by Relatives of Residents and staff at Needham Court.

The activities were continued with a raffle and a meaningful gesture by Residents, which involved them writing out their meaning of dignity and putting them on the home’s Dignity Tree.

One Resident commented: “I thoroughly enjoyed celebrating dignity with my family. Seeing everyone dressing up in yellow really made me smile.”

Joanne Mills, Home Manager at Needham Court, said: “At HC-One, we make every effort to celebrate a variety of fun events in the home. The Dignity Action Day activities really helped bring everyone together to mark the importance of dignity in care.”