Music for health at Coppice CourtHC-One’s Coppice Court care home Residents and Colleagues were delighted to welcome Margaret from Music for Health, as she brought an afternoon of excitement for everyone in the home.

Margaret played various pieces of music, whilst Residents were asked to either play the musical instruments, sing or use the tinsel pom-poms, which everyone enjoyed.

Residents remarked at how lovely Margaret’s singing voice was as she sang to the Residents whilst they played the instruments. A quiz was also played by everyone which involved guessing which theme tune belonged to which programme, this brought a competitive side out in everyone as they versed one another to be the winner.

Residents then enjoyed a delicious warm drink and homemade slice of cake as they spoke of their favourite part of the afternoon’s performance.

Juliet Wills, Home Manager, commented: “Residents have enjoyed the afternoon with Margaret, she visits regularly in the home and each time, it just gets better.”