Military personnel remembered at care home’s Armed Forces event
Residents at a HC-One care home based in Lincoln honoured service men and women past and present during this year’s Armed Forces Day.
A day of celebrations was put on at White Gables to celebrate the huge sacrifice that military personnel make in risking their lives to protect our country.
Residents reflected on their own experiences of wartime living, telling stories, as well as taking part in a range of activities including some wartime music, a buffet and sing along.
Armed Forced Day takes place on the last Saturday of each June. The day is marked across the UK with ceremonies and the presentation of medals to living ex-servicemen and women. 
Kate Mand, Wellbeing Coordinator at HC-One’s White Gables commented:

 “It was an amazing event, it couldn’t have gone better. Everyone had such a good time and loved reminiscing about the past.”

Resident Joan Harrison added;
“Hats off to you all. A great day all round!”
White Gables is located in Lincoln Road and offers short and long term care to elderly members of the community needing Residential Dementia and Nursing Dementia Care.