Friday 9th March saw the start of Park House’s Memory Lane Café’s for 2018.
WW2 paraphernalia was put on display as well as scrapbooks from the 1940’s, 50’s and 60’s whilst vintage music played in the background.
Family members and visitors were invited to attend along with the Residents and they loved spending time checking out the box brownie cameras, gas masks and ration books amongst other memorabilia.
Resident Len thought it would be a good idea to wear the Air Raid Warden’s tin hat, which made the other Residents smile. It made us here in the support office smile too!
A guest from the community visited and was really impressed with the ambience and particularly pleased with the leaflets and information the home could provider her to assist with an elderly couple she tends to in the community, both of whom have early onset dementia.
Resident Jack Smith, pictured, attended with his daughter Sheila, who commented:
“This memory café is poignant for us as it was my dad’s attendance to one of Park Lane’s memory café’s which made me realise this was the perfect home for dad. I love the idea of the memory café’s.”
Alisha Calvert, Home Manager at Park House, commented:
“If we have helped just one person in the community today, it has all been worthwhile. Hopefully news of our memory café will spread to encourage visitors and guests.”