Meadow Bank Care Home holds remembrance service
Residents, Colleagues and Visitors held a special remembrance service to mark 100 years since the end of WW1.
Residents, with the help of the Wellbeing co-ordinators have been busy making poppies and Wellbeing Co-ordinator Claire Taylor put these together to create a beautiful window display.
The Home's Gardener John had built and decorated a memorial Cross at which, Brian Wilson (an RAF Veteran)  proudly laid the wreath during the service which was led by the Rev Dave Thompson.
Following a two minute’s silence the Last Post was heard before visitor Desiree McCelland sang a beautiful rendition of The White Cliffs of Dover.
Residents really enjoyed paying their respects to our armed forces, remembering especially those who did not return from conflict.
Rev Dave Thompson commented:
"The service was extra special as we mark the centenary anniversary of the end of World War 1."
Resident Brian Wilson said
"My time spent in the RAF was something not to have missed. Having the comrades that I had was unbelievable. I was asked to lay the wreath at the remembrance service this morning and it was a great pleasure and an honour. I felt Top Gun, like Tom Cruise!"