The Mayor and Mayoress of Dudley visited HC-One’s Ashgrove care home in Dudley on Thursday 24th May.
Ashgrove’s Memory Care unit has recently undergone extensive refurbishment, to celebrate the completion of the work the home decided to organise a relaunch party for the Residents.
The Mayor and Mayoress attended the event where they were given a tour of the newly refurbished facilities before enjoying a slice cake and a cup of tea with the Residents.
The Mayor also presented long service awards to Home Administrator, Louise and Home Manager Sophia Gordon as well as giving flowers to the Residents and staff.
Friends and family joined Residents for celebrations and enjoyed live entertainment from a local singer. A great time was had by all and Residents commented on how wonderful the day was.
Ashgrove Home Manager, Sophia Gordon said:
“Thank you to everyone who made the day so special for our Residents, especially the Mayor and Mayoress for their contribution to our day of celebration.”