Market Lavington care home joins Christmas competitionHC-One’s Market Lavington care home Residents and Colleagues have been getting into the Christmas spirit as they joined in with the local St. John’s church Christmas tree competition.

The competition is available for organisations to sponsor trees to be decorated, with the home choosing to decorate theirs on the 6th December.

Each tree held its own theme, with the home’s Residents deciding to decorate theirs in the theme of Noah’s Ark, creating various wooden animal ornaments, making raindrops from bubble paint as well as other art and craft activities that they took part in over the course of a few weeks.

Throughout the home’s visits to the church, they were also delighted to be provided with a selection of refreshments and biscuits.

Natalie Deverall, home manager, commented: “It’s been wonderful to be a part of a local community project, supporting the church and seeing the joy on each of our Residents faces has been a fantastic way to welcome some Christmas cheer.”