Making new friends through a restaurant-style experience at Rose Court care homeAs we are about to embark on Nutrition and Hydration Week, four of the Residents who live at Rose Court care home, in Radcliffe, Manchester, came together to experience a beautiful dining experience on 5th March.

Joyce, Vera, Catherine and Sylvia, who live in different communities at the 87-bed residential, nursing and dementia care, enjoyed a delicious dinner that was served in a formal restaurant-style setting with the help of Allison Porter, Wellbeing Coordinator.

All of the ladies helped to lay the table and deliberated over what they would like to order. 

During the meal they were all in deep conversation  about where they lived, grew up, how many children they had, if any, and what their husbands was called. As well as discussing their hobbies such as where they used to go dancing and what jobs they had. 

Only two of these ladies were friends before the meal but it went down so well that they all got to know each other while enjoying a tipple of wine and became friends.

One of the Residents said, “What a nice change. Oh, how nice was it to make new friends!”

Alison commented, “The whole experience was beautiful to see. Came as strangers and left as friends. It was lovely to see the Residents filling out positive feedback forms to the Chef too.”