Macmillan Coffee morning at Sandon House
Sandon House Care home held their annual Macmillan Coffee Morning this week. The Macmillan Coffee morning is a nationwide event which raises money for Macmillan Cancer Support.
Colleagues brought in some wonderful homemade cakes, including chocolate orange cake, chocolate brownies & Victoria sponge cake. The kitchen staff also made tasty chocolate buns, lemon drizzle buns & shortbread biscuits.
Residents, Relatives & friends joined the home to show their support. Everyone enjoyed chatting away whilst enjoying a cuppa & a piece of cake!
The home was decorated with lots of bunting, green & purple balloons & a beautifully decorated candy cart stood proudly in the conservatory, which displayed the cakes.
Sandon House also held raffle on the day, which included a food hamper, kindly donated by the Local Co-Op, and a wine hamper which the staff donated. Resident Mary pulled out one of the winning tickets, with Resident Edith being the lucky winner of the food hamper.
The day was a real success, raising a whopping £230 for macmillan cancer support!

“It was lovely to see so many people support such a worthy cause. We’re so lucky to live in such a friendly community. This has been the best year so far, and the amount we raised is fantastic!”