Love was in the air for Residents at Shaw Side Care Home as they enjoyed celebrating Valentines Day with a variety of love themed activities.
Colleagues at the home, located in Oldham, wanted residents to have an extra special day and put on entertainment from singer J K Daniel, who performed romantic love songs. Refreshments and romantic themed heart shaped chocolates and cakes were served with fresh strawberries dipped in chocolate. The rooms were decorated with love hearts and happy valentine’s banners. The home held a raffle which raised funds for the Residents comfort fund and will be used towards future activities.
Old and young celebrate the annual holiday, often referred to as the Feast of Saint Valentine, across the world.
Angela Adair, Wellbeing coordinator at HC-One’s Shaw Side commented:
“It was so meaningful and rewarding to see all our Residents enjoying themselves on the most romantic day of the year. It was lovely to see one of our Resident couples share their love for each other after 22 years together and make the day so special for them.”