London care home Residents get involved with recruitmentMornington Hall care home has been interviewing for a new Chef Manager over the past few weeks. And as the main recipients of the chefs delightful food, they thought they would get the Residents involved in recruitment. 

Two Residents joined the Management and Administration team, at the care home, in putting the potential new chef through his paces. The result was an amazing success and everyone was absolutely stuffed. The home are happy to confirm the Chef has accepted the offer and will be joining next month.

“Our very own Residents have been a part of this process. Some Residents did such a brilliant job that they were invited to the final stage of the process……...a taste test!” A Mornington Hall Colleague stated. 

One Resident said it was nice to have the opportunity and while he wouldn’t want his opinions to sway any decisions he was very happy to have a voice in something like this. He commented, “The food was very nice and fvery fancy.”

The Residents loved being a part of the whole process and of course the tasting.

Home Manager, Pervine King, said, “I think it's really important that our residents are involved in how we manage the service and give them a say in who we recruit.”