Local school pay frequent visits to Jack DormandHC-One’s Jack Dormand Care Home in Peterlee, County Durham enjoy frequent visits from Dene House Primary School, who visit the home every Friday morning to interact with the Residents.

Ten children from the local school joined the Residents to make clippy mats with their initials on. The children were all so relaxed and polite around the Residents, who really enjoyed the children’s company.

The Residents loved chatting to the children and working with them on their clippy mats with each enjoying a snack and a refreshment whilst they worked. 

Resident Sheena Harrison commented:

“It was so lovely to see the children and we really look forward to their visits.”

Jack Dormand’s Wellbeing Co-Ordinator, Donna Price commented:

“It’s a pleasure to see the Residents and children getting along so well, the children are so polite and helpful and we all love it when they visit.”

Dene House Primary School’s Acting Head Teacher, Mrs D Turnbull commented:

“The children are really enjoying the experience and getting to know the Residents. In particular, one of our pupils has developed a special bond with Hazel, they are both creative and love art and because of this, they are really enjoying the time they spend together.

This experience has created some wonderful, positive relationships between different generations and it is an absolute joy to see them enjoying each other’s company. We cannot wait to see what our next joint project will be.”