Local Care Homes recognises two members of staff for 20 years of serviceHC-One Plas Cwm Carw Care Home in Port Talbot recently recognised two member of staff for their service to the Home for 20 years. Rhian James – Senior Carer and Debbie Williams – Wellbeing Co-ordinator were presented with a certificate and gifts by the Home Manager Sandra Vernal who commented “Rhian and Debbie both excel in the work they do here at Plas Cwm Carw and are wonderful role models to new members of staff particularly those joining as new to residential care. We are all very proud of having them as colleagues”.      
HC-One Regional Managing Director Liz Whyte commented “In all of our HC One Homes we are keen for staff to be recognised for their service to the Residents and 20 years is something to be celebrated – I am very grateful to Rhian and Debbie for their commitment to the Home. I would like to thank everyone involved as this is indicative of how HC-One provides the kindest care”.