Local Care Home Hero Saves Life of fellow Footballer During a friendly local team game at NK Sports Centre in Lincoln, one of the away players Lukas Jonassen suddenly collapsed with, what has now been confirmed as a cardiac arrest.

Luckily for Lukas, Michael Swain, a member of the opposing team and employee at HC-One’s White Gables Care Home in Skellingthorpe, ran to his aid along with another team member, and proceeded to carry out emergency CPR.

Ambulance crew believed Lukas technically died twice on the pitch but was saved by the young men’s actions. Lukas is now conscious and recovering in hospital amongst family and friends.

Lucas’s family and friends have been in touch with Michael to express their gratitude.

Home manager, Catherine Mitchell, commented:

“We are very proud that Michael was able to help this young man and he is definitely our hero!”

Michael Commented:

“I was so pleased I was able to help and relieved that Lukas is recovering now”