West Bromwich care home commemorates Armistice Day with local churchColleagues and Residents at Lyndon Hall in West Bromwich, which provides nursing, residential dementia and nursing dementia care, were invited to take part in a special Remembrance Day service with the Gap Community Church.

The service was held in the garden of the church which was lit up with fairy lights and various poppy wreaths and displays. 

Everyone at the service was moved by a speech given by an army veteran who served in World War 2. 

Julie the Home Manager said: “It was a very touching service, the speech given by the army veteran was very moving and resonated a great deal with the residents who were in attendance. 

“But on top of the lovely service, there was lots of memorabilia for the residents to enjoy and reminisce over. We had displays of ration books, old newspapers, driving licenses and medals which were enjoyed by everyone.” 

There were some traditional elements to the service including the flags being flown at half-mast and a rendition of the last post was played. 

Remembrance Day is a special occasion for the Residents at Lyndon Hall, and they all enjoyed participating in the service.