Residents at HC-One’s Harley Grange care home in Leicester have been helping Santa’s little helpers write Christmas letters to children.
The Residents received some very kind cards, gifts and letters from children at St John the Baptist Primary School and decided to respond to each of them.
Year 2 children wrote lovely letters to Father Christmas filled with their Christmas wishes and their good deeds for the year.
The care home’s Resident elf, Harley, wrote a reply to them all, with a little help from some of the Residents at Harley Grange.
Year 4 children at the school crafted sparkly Christmas cards, along with a handmade bauble for each Resident.
Margaret, a Resident at the home, said: “It’s nice of children to think of us during this busy time.”
In return, The Residents each wrote a personal note in a Christmas card, wishing the children a merry Christmas and thanking them for their gifts.
They made a large 2D Christmas tree to display all their new baubles and put their cards all around the room.
Jill, a Resident, commented: “The handmade baubles look vintage and are very effective.”
The thoughtful gifts reminded Residents about handmade gifts from times in their life and they swapped stories about gifts they had made or received.
Margaret talked about a beautiful cart made by her father during the war and reminisced about the great times she had playing with it.
In the spirit of Christmas crafting, the Residents made some Santa legs and boots out of cardboard and placed him in the chimney, ready to deliver their Christmas presents.
Harley Grange Home Manager, Anne Upton, said: “It’s lovely to see the pleasure the Residents received from these gifts made by the children.”