Leicester care home send photos to family membersResidents at HC One’s Harley Grange care home have been making a special effort to stay in touch with their family and friends today.

During this unusual time it is really important for Residents, Relatives and Colleagues to stay positive and connected with one another, so Residents at the Leicester home decided to send out photos to their loved ones along with a special message for them.

These photos were of the Residents doing something to keep them busy and smiling during this difficult time. Some were seen having baked cakes, taking time out doing a hobby like knitting, or simply enjoying the smell of fresh flowers they had received.

Every Resident sent out a message too with loving words about how they are looking forward to seeing family again, as well as things they have been doing to keep occupied such as what tasty meals they have been enjoying, TV they have been watching and lots more. This is a lovely way for everybody to stay connected.

The Residents of Harley Grange thought it was a wonderful idea and a great way to send their family a message that they are doing well.