Leeds Residents enjoy a garden partyResidents from HC-One’s Rievaulx House in Leeds enjoyed a lovely day out in the sunshine earlier this week when the staff hosted a garden party.

Around 14 Residents, along with staff all sat outside in Rievaulx House’s beautiful garden and started off with some music and a little sing-a-long.

Some Residents decided to get their hands dirty and planted some colourful flowers in the hanging gardens throughout the garden, whereas some opted to take it easy and enjoyed a game of ping pong.

Rievaulx House Resident Jean McCarthy said: "I’ve had a lovely afternoon and can’t wait to do it again soon."

Refreshments we’re a plenty and Residents enjoyed some tea and orange juice with some snacks. 

Rievaulx House Home Manager Rachel Hall said: "it’s lovely to see our Residents out in the sun and enjoying themselves at this difficult time."